- LIVE2024/10/18 (Fri)NORVER presents. “ATTACK FROM THE BACKYARD vol.32新宿MarbleOPEN 18:30 / START 19:00ADV ¥2800 / DOOR ¥3300
- LIVE2024/10/19 (Sat)Mippan BIRTHDAY BASH VOL.40上前津Club ZionOPEN/CLOSE 17:30/23:00CHARGE ¥1,000 (without 1drink ¥600)
- LIVE2024/10/20 (Sun)Smash up『Chord』Release Tour 2024名古屋 RADminiOPEN 17:00 / START 17:30ADV ¥2,900 / DOOR ¥3,400 (+1drink)
- LIVE2024/11/03 (Sun)OWEAK "The Wasted Tour" Final Series心斎橋Music Bar 新神楽OPEN/START TBA/TBAADV/DOOR 2,500/3,000yen
- LIVE2024/11/04 (Mon)OWEAK "The Wasted Tour" Final Series上前津Club ZionOPEN/START TBA/TBAADV/DOOR 2,500/3,000yen
- LIVE2024/11/15 (Fri)skaskaskaclub presents 『SKA! SKA! SKA!?』アメリカ村BEYONDOPEN 18:00 / START 18:30¥4,000
- LIVE2024/11/16 (Sat)TIRFOR & Club Zion presents TIRFOR FIRST SHOW -そこに海は無いけど Vol.0-上前津Club ZionOPEN/START TBAADV/DOOR ¥2900/¥3400
- LIVE2024/11/23 (Sat)NEEDER×SEED×Abnormal Cooking School presents HARIMAYA SECRET BASE高知X-pt.17:30/18:00¥2000/¥2500学割¥500 +1d ¥600
- LIVE2024/12/01 (Sun)『TOO MUCH TOO OLD 東名阪ツアー NAGOYA』 Supported by "Top of The Funnel"栄TIGHT ROPETBAADV ¥3,000 / DOOR ¥3,500